Friday, December 19, 2008

WiX Installer Update

One thing that has caused me quite a few problems with my WiX installer was optionally displaying a dialog to enter SQL information when the database is installed.
I may change the database to be a critical element of the intall, but I thought this would be a good share.
Based on:
To set the next button to display based on features chosen in the feature tree, you can do someting like this:
< publish dialog="CustomizeDlg" control="Next" event="NewDialog" value="SqlSetupDlg"> 1 </publish> Where "Database" is the name of the feature you want to install.
other access prefixes are:
  1. (none) Installer property:  Value of property (Property) table.
  2. % Environment variable:  Value of environment variable.
  3. $  Component table key:  Action state of the component.
  4. ?  Component table key:  Installed state of the component.
  5. &  Feature table key:  Action state of the feature.
  6. !   Feature table key:  Installed state of the feature.

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